BAUTECH Sp. z o.o.
25 Staszica str.
05-500 Piaseczno /Warsaw
tel.: +48 22 716 77 91
fax: +48 22 716 77 90
Working hours:
Monday-Friday 8.00-16.00
Export Departement
Tomasz Mróz Head of Export Department
Tel.: +48 22 716 69 72
Mob.,Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Imo: + 48 691 322 622
VAT: PL5220000996 | Regon: 012547108 | KRS number: 0000166495
District Court for the capital city Warszawy, IV Economic Department of the National Court Register share capital: PLN 51,000
Bank account number:
PKO BP S.A.: PL57 1020 1068 0000 1502 0146 4957